Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Enstress is a role overload but it creates healthy and development effect on self motivated leaders in their work-space. These self motivate leaders have a strong presence felt among the team of which they are member. These individuals are true resource to the organisation and they are one who start their journey alone and suddenly find that the whole team of inspired people with them.

Boss driven responsibility circle is far from their sight as the area in which they operate becomes the Culture driven space where all individuals feel and sense pride being part of that culture.

In such an environment is role overload or underload is a stressor intrinsic to job ? Thoughts invited...

Scene One: 

Some leaders  push their team mates too hard.They like to work with sense of urgency and find that team members are not on same wave length.

They wish to establish systems foolproof so that work flow is established and ease can be felt by one and all in the team.

They want to be effective by meeting the timeline but in this course they overdrive the efficiency factor and the resources put to use to meet that deadline is much costlier than warranted.

They push other people also in the urgency linked important zone and create stress in their work style of the whole team. They never realize that doing so they are compromising the quality life of self and of the team members.

What is a real stress buster ?

Working effectively and meeting the deadline and not allowing stress to grab you in short run. If efficiency is sacrificed the stress otherwise will surely knock your door !


Working efficiently by optimum use of available resources and thus driving yourself in a role overload situation and taking the stress. This positive stress however is very encouraging to those who love to live in this arena.

Driving your team also in the same zone and keeping the healthy human relationship is also a challenge. The real challenge within this challenging situation is to ensure that there is no role overload or under-load to the team members that put them in stressful situation. How this can be done ?

  1. Have SMART Goals ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based)
  2. Discuss the same with the team members & ensure participation.
  3. Remember people differ by nature not only in their ability to perform a specific task but also in their will to do so.
  4. Remember that you can not motivate anyone as it requires action on behalf of someone rather you need to inspire those whom you want to take along i.e your team. Inspiration comes from within and to do so you have to create such an environment that one gets inspired. Lead by example.
  5. Capacity of employees and their willingness are directly associated with human behaviour. And the behaviour is associated with habits. Habits are for their beliefs which take many years in their creation but remember it  is very easy to break them. You need to work upon them.
  6. Remember Good leaders create leaders and bad leader create followers. Each team member is a segment in himself or herself. They have their importance that need to be felt by them by your actions.
  7. If there is a conflict than confront it in order to seek the solution and not with the intention to win your point and loose the spirit of the team or any of team member.
  8. Team only can achieve (not the individuals) the excellence and this is possible in a culture driven environment. This needs to put the whole team dynamic in a going beyond comfort zone mode. No one feels stress by the role overload in such a scenario rather this kind of positive stress enstress the team members and they deliver excellence as expected.
Much more can be done to burst the stress..... Thoughts invited !

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